unlike my characters, I am not actually dead

Posted on November 14, 2008

.. though you could be forgiven for thinking so, after the incredibly long time I’ve gone without blogging. I got so incredibly behind on answering my reader mail that I kept thinking, Right, I’ve got to get all that done FIRST THING, and I’d get part of the way there and then get busy again, and .. well, you know the drill. And I am still not caught up on the reader mail! Though I am much closer. And will get done this weekend. Or else.

Anyway, things have been predictably mad on this front, but I do have a few goodies to offer: if you check out the website‘s main page, you’ll see that (a) there is an excerpt from Stargazer now available for your reading pleasure, and (b) a link to the Pitch Black tour website! The tour is over, but the website fun remains, including a quiz that will tell you which Evernight character you are.

This weekend, it is going to be cold and rainy. Perfect excuse to spend the whole time inside writing and drinking cocoa, right?

10 Responses to “unlike my characters, I am not actually dead”

  1. toshi_hakari

    Hi Claudia!

    I’ve been a lurker until now and I’ve decided to finally leave a comment to your journal πŸ™‚ I’ve read Evernight quite recently for the second time and I love it even more than the first time πŸ˜€ I can’t wait for Stargazer to be out!

    As well as being a fan of Evernight, I’m also fan of the Twilight series, but if I had to choose between Edward Cullen and Lucas Ross… then I’d take Lucas πŸ˜‰

    Keep up the good work!

  2. mayakda

    Yay for excerpty goodness!
    My 11yo has discovered vampires and I’ve put Evernight on her to-read pile. I hope she reads it so we can discuss it. πŸ™‚

  3. doxys

    I can’t wait to read Stargazer seriously. I read the expert and it’s so great I really like how Bianca is growing up in different aspects. Thank you for create a female main character who doesn’t need to be save all the time by some guy.
