just a quick squee moment

Posted on February 6, 2009

I just got the first draft of the jacket copy for HOURGLASS — i.e., the third book in the Evernight series. How can this publishing process simultaneously be happening so fast and yet seem to last forever?

Though there’s room for a couple of small edits, I love it. And I find myself surprisingly thrilled that Balthazar has made the jacket text for the first time.

I’m thinking hard about your contest suggestions!

20 Responses to “just a quick squee moment”

  1. musicalmolls

    I got warm fizzies thinking about the HOURGLASS draft!! And I’m excited for more Balthazar! I was very torn between Balt and Lucas at first. I love them both!

    After I reached the first *gasp* of EVERNIGHT, I loved going back and looking at the little hints you gave throughout. I hope that repeats in some of the other books! I can’t wait for STARGAZER! March is so close and yet so far.

  2. Anonymous

    Ohmagosh Balthazar! *dies* That’s soo cool! I can’t wait to see! Sneak peek in our future? Possibly?

    Excited for you! Can’t wait to read it! 🙂