Ireland visit photos!

Posted on April 11, 2008

I’m back from vacation, and yes, FINALLY, I understand how to use the digital camera. (Really, I understood before; I just didn’t get how easily — and fatally — it could all go so wrong.) This is how and why I can offer a few photos:

I sort of forgot about the camera until the day we went to the northern coast. So glad I didn’t:

While in the north, we also visited the Giant’s Causeway, this large, surreal patch of coastline where the rocks naturally formed into these perfect hexagonal columns. You can completely understand why primitive people were sure giants (or someone) made this, but it’s completely natural. Even if it does look like a set for a movie set on an alien world.

Also we looked at ruins of castles:

Then we went to Carrick-a-rede, where there is a famously frightening rope bridge:

Should we cross it?

It will be fine, I told myself. Just don’t look down.


After all this, we went to Dublin for a couple of days. Soon after my arrival there, I learned the single most important thing anybody has to know about Ireland — you have to be very careful, or else apparently cars will fall on your head.

We avoided this fate. Instead, we got to wander around and enjoy the scene.

While I was there, I did a lot of writing (much of it in front of a fireplace, a creative boost I’d never imagined); I finished the short story about Cecily the witch, the one you guys helped me to name. There was also quite a bit of brainstorming on a book idea I had months ago that suddenly decided to take shape. I still have a full weekend of work ahead of me — but today I am still on vacation, taking it easy. The writing starts anew tomorrow.

22 Responses to “Ireland visit photos!”

  1. britlitfantwin

    Oh my … what an incredible trip that must have been! Thank you so much for sharing.

    I’m loving EVERNIGHT, by the way. Not done yet, but I’m getting there. 🙂

  2. vitadei


    Hi Ms. Gray,

    This is Jess from Vita Dei 🙂

    Wow, those pictures are so beautiful-I’ve always wanted to go to Ireland, I love that sign. In New York City, they have some signs that say like don’t even think about parking here. Stuff like that amuses me greatly

    • admin

      Re: wow

      Hi, Jess! You should definitely go to Ireland someday if you get the chance. It’s really beautiful.

  3. divanoir

    great pictures! I can’t believe you crossed the rope bridge. I would need a parachute to be talked into doing it.

    • admin

      It wasn’t that bad, really — though I did speed up quite a lot around the middle.