Check out the Pinterest board for A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU, and win the YA book of your choice!

Posted on August 22, 2014

Do you want to get a look inside the world(s) of A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU to pique your curiosity? Do you also want to win a YA book? Any YA book you desire? Of course you do! Read on to find out how: 


Here it is! The Pinterest board for A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU — which features images from specific scenes in the book and its sequel, plus some ideas for what characters might look like, the kind of clothes Marguerite wears, you name it. If you browse around a while, you’ll get some hints about what might eventually be in store for Marguerite as she chases her father’s killer through the dimensions.

If this bit of spoilery pretty is not enough, well, just ask me a question about one of the images here, on Twitter, or on the Facebook post I’m about to put up. I’ll probably answer (unless it’s TOO spoilery.) So you’ll find out a bit about what awaits you in A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU, plus you’ll automatically be entered. I’ll choose a winner at random on Wednesday, August 27.

Ready, set, go!

22 Responses to “Check out the Pinterest board for A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU, and win the YA book of your choice!”

  1. Gloria

    Such beautiful photos! I can see paint brushes and other art tools, so I guess that we have a character that is an artist, is it Marguerite? And a second question: Will you post a first chapter any time soon?! Love from Spain!

    • claudia

      You’re correct! Marguerite is indeed an aspiring artist. 🙂

      As for initial chapters: They’ll be coming your way in late September!

    • claudia

      SO MUCH TRAVELING. Though really, it’s more that Marguerite and her family wind up living in different places in different dimensions …

  2. Kari j

    I love all of the images especially the pretty old fashioned ones XD question: is there going to be an adorable pug in the book? I thought I saw a cute black pug and I got all kinds of excited because I love pugs!

    • claudia

      You DID see a cute black pug, and the dog does appear … but you’ll have to be patient, because he’s in book two. 🙂

  3. Brittany todd

    How grogeous is that veiled dress?!?! I see a lot of back and forth between modern and historical? Does that play into the dimension travel? Soooooo exciting!!!!

    • claudia

      There’s a lot of back and forth – but it’s less between modern and historical (there’s no time travel), and more between dimensions that are less or more technologically advanced than our own. Glad you are excited for the book!

  4. Vivien

    I absolutely love the vintage feel to it. Plus, a novel with Absinthe in it is sure going to be very intoxicating!

    • claudia

      So glad you like the way it looks! And yes, absinthe gets its moment …

  5. Tessa

    I see a lot of water- are we going to see an underwater dimension?? Because that would be pretty awesome.

    • claudia

      The *whole dimension* isn’t underwater – but I can promise some adventure beneath the waves, yes. 😀

    • claudia

      It is a very literal pug! That said, the pug does not make his appearance in book one — he arrives in the sequel. (And there are other images related to book two as well — you’ll be able to figure out which once ATPOY is out.) 😀

  6. Anne Vickery

    I can get lost in the photos I can only imagine the book and how exciting it will be 🙂

    • claudia

      Thanks so much! I had a lot of fun putting the board together, finding images that reminded me of scenes, or inspired me, etc. You’ll have to look at it again after you read!

  7. Rachelle

    There are sooooo many places! And a beautiful horse. And what’s the chalk for? Can you answer that? I’m totally curious.

    • claudia

      Those are pastel chalks – such as an artist might use, if she worked in pastels. Normally Marguerite paints with oil … but you’ll see why the chalks are significant when you read the book. 😀

      And a gorgeous horse! Though he, too, does not appear until book two.