Anthology stories away!

Posted on April 15, 2008

As of last night, I’ve turned in both of the short stories for anthologies that I had due today. One is for a Borders-exclusive anthology that will be out around Halloween; I’ll pass on more info about that one as I get it. The other is for Vacations From Hell, which is coming from HarperTeen at the top of summer 2009. (Just like Hourglass.) The “Hell” anthologies all donate some of the proceeds to charity, and I’ve just learned that the charity for this one (as well as Love Is Hell volume) will be College Summit. The series editor, Farrin Jacobs, says, “Through various resources and activities, College Summit helps kids who don’t have easy access to college prep material learn about the college application process. It’s a cool charity, and they are a really nice group of people.” Sounds great to me.

Don’t forget that the contest for a $50 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble is still going! Turnout has been great so far — and I have lots of questions to answer for the FAQ — but keep spreading the word. 🙂

16 Responses to “Anthology stories away!”

  1. vitadei

    Oh that’s really cool, I will definetly be picking those up. I almost bought Prom Nights from Hell yesterday.

  2. duckyduncan66

    I sent you an email!

    Hi Claudia,
    I sent you an email about my student’s recommended read program! I can’t wait to collaborate with you so my kids can read, review, and promote your books. I look forward to your reply.

    I am re-reading Evernight for Harper Teen and I wanted to share a passage in the book that I LOVE. I’m a tabber, and I tab significant passages and figurative language. My students do it too- so our books are full of colorful tabs!

    Here it is… page 66

    “I could be wrong.”
    “You’re not.” Jared watched me for a while longer, and just when I was starting to feel like I’d been too open, he said, “I shouldn’t do this.”
    “This?” My heart began to thump a little faster.
    Jared just shook his head and grinned. The devilish look was back. “When it gets complicated later on, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

    I LOVE Jared! You know that the warning only makes him more attractive… a true “Bad Boy.” 😉 Thanks again, and write back soon.

    • admin

      Re: I sent you an email!

      Heya! I don’t think I got the e-mail — hmm. I’ll try to email you at duckyduncan66 at livejournal dot com, and we’ll see where that gets us.

      So glad you like the hero! His name is no longer Jared, I fear, but he’s still 100% the same guy.

      (Now named Lucas.)

  3. vitadei

    Just wanted to let you know that I got my copy of Evernight today! Thanks so much- now I can read it on my 15 hour car ride! I’m going to try my hardest to get the review up before next Friday-but if I don’t-please don’t be mad-I’ll be in Disney World 🙂

    Thanks for my copy-I read the prologue -It’s amazing

    • admin

      I’m so glad you got it! No worries about posting the review — enjoy your time at Disney World. 😀

  4. brimfire

    Hi. Colleen Lindsay blogged about Diana Fox’s new LJ, and I saw that you’re one of her clients. You’re book sounds awesome. I can’t wait to get it. I’d love to hear you blog about how you got your agent and sold your book.

    Good luck with the upcoming release!

    • admin

      I hope you’ll enjoy the book, and thanks for the good wishes. I probably won’t be blogging tons about “shop talk,” although I might post about why I won’t be posting about that. Hmmm. I must think.