It’s two weeks and six days until the release of BALTHAZAR — I know! Where did the time go? — and that means it’s contest time.
Those of you who follow me on Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr will have seen …
Wait. Let me back up. Do you follow me on any of those services? You should! As a further FYI, I follow back on Instagram and Tumblr. (At least, I give you a shot. If you spam the ever-living heck out of it, you might get dropped. But I’ve only wound up doing that once so far, so chances are you’re solid!)
Anyway, such wise followers have been privileged to see the picture of the freakin’ adorable vampire rubber ducks I found in a French Quarter store this weekend. That is correct. Fanged, cute, vampire rubber ducks. I knew I could not leave them all there. What if they swarmed and attacked the store-keeper? Something had to be done.
So! This week’s prize: THREE lucky winners will each get their very own vampire rubber duckie and an autographed paperback copy of AFTERLIFE. (Which you ought to review, seeing as how BALTHAZAR picks up not too long after …) What do you have to do to enter?
1) Follow me on Tumblr or Twitter. (Some of you already have this part down. Yay!)
2) Post a review of/quote from/image of one of the books with some notice of the BALTHAZAR U.S. release on March 6. It’s also legit to reblog another such post on Tumblr. If you’re following me on Tumblr, I’ll see it; if you’re on Twitter, add the @claudiagray so I’ll be sure to see that, too.
3) Do these things before Wednesday, Feb. 22, when I’ll pick three winners at random!
4) Respond when I contact you afterward so I can get your address to find out where to ship your mega-cute vampire rubber ducky AND your autographed copy of AFTERLIFE. (And yes, I’ll ship anywhere.)
And just so you have the link: My Tumblr!
My Twitter!
(I have not one clue how to link to my Instagram. Both the Twitter and Tumblr link to it, though. Sorry for my technoignorance.)
Good luck to everyone!