Autumn Giveaway _____ begins! Plus, upcoming Chicagoland appearances!

Posted on September 16, 2010

I’m back from Australia, and slowly but surely catching up on everything I missed … though not yet “The Vampire Diaries.” Thanks to everyone out there who hasn’t spoiled me; I plan to be caught up by this weekend, and because all of you have been so great, I still have every surprise waiting for me, including not knowing when or how Stefan and Damon will remove their shirts.

The fact that I’m behind on “The Vampire Diaries” should not be taken as lack of love for this amazing TV show. Actually, I love it so much that I’m one of the contributors to A VISITOR’S GUIDE TO MYSTIC FALLS, a book of essays all about “The Vampire Diaries” to be published by BenBella this fall. (My essay? Is about the changes from L.J. Smith’s fabulous book series to the equally fabulous — but very different — TV show, both what I think works and what I think they need to deal with more. But EVERY essay is going to be well worth reading.)

I know you guys are going to want to get your hands on A VISITOR’S GUIDE TO MYSTIC FALLS. But I know that’s not all you want to get your hands on: Surely you also want copies of hot new YA paranormal releases like FIRELIGHT and PARANORMALCY, right? Or ARCs of some of the biggest YA books for next year? Or maybe, hmmm, a few advance copies of AFTERLIFE?

So! Now through Halloween, we’ll be having the Autumn Giveaway _____. I don’t know what noun to use! Cavalcade? Bonanza? Jamboree? What? I want to hear suggestions from you.

For our first giveaway — THREE (3) lucky winners will each get one copy of A VISITOR’S GUIDE TO MYSTIC FALLS. It won’t be autographed (BenBella’s sending them out directly from Texas, where I’m not), but it will be deeply, deeply awesome. How do you enter? Check out the rules below:

1) Email me at and tell me what we should call the Autumn Giveaway _______. Among the lucky winners will be the person who suggests what I actually use (or chosen from the people who suggest the same thing), but I can pick other winners at random.

2) Also include a mailing address where BenBella can send your book. (Yes, I’ll ship anywhere, though keep in mind I only have copies in English.)

3) Do all this before Tuesday, Sept. 21, when I will pick the winners.

Get to entering, guys! I’ll be having multiple giveaways every week between now and Halloween.


And, because Australia doesn’t get to have ALL the love, I have some events coming up next weekend in the Chicago area:

Saturday, Sept. 25: The YA Literature Conference at the Hotel Arista in Naperville, IL!

I’ll be appearing on panels with the awesome Sophie Jordan (author of FIRELIGHT) and Kiersten White (author of PARANORMALCY) from 1-3 p.m., then taking part in an autograph session at 4 p.m.

Sunday, September 26, 2010: Discussion and Book Signing at Anderson’s Bookshop in Naperville, IL!

Kiersten, Sophie and I will be together yet again, forming a cohesive team unit, for this event too, which will be held between 2-4 p.m. at Anderson’s (1300 N. Mill St.) For more information, contact Becky at 630-355-2665.

Monday, September 27, 2010: Discussion and Book Signing at Barnes & Noble in Skokie, IL!

Kiersten, Sophie and I will be together again and by this point will probably be blood sisters and possibly have formed a band or something. (I call tambourine.) We’ll be there (55 Old Orchard Center, to be precise) from 6-8 p.m. For more information, contact Elaine Hankin at 847-676-3047.

Be there!