Contest winner – and yet another chance to win. Fancasting contest, anyone?

Posted on September 30, 2013

First of all, drum roll please, because the WINNER of brand-new copies of THE CHAOS OF STARS by Kiersten White and THE DREAM THIEVES by Maggie Stiefvater is … 



Shay entered via Twitter, but all entries via any format (including comments here) were considered. Thanks to every single one of you who helped spread the word about THE FIRST MIDNIGHT SPELL, the SPELLCASTER novella coming out at the top of November. You guys are the absolute best, and your support means a lot.

Which is why there are STILL MORE PRIZES for you guys to win!

This week (and a half), the prizes are ARCS of THE BROKENHEARTED by Amelia Kahaney and two books by Sarah Crossan – her fantastic series starter BREATHE and an ARC of the sequel, RESIST. In your heart you know you need these books, and all three of them will belong to the next contest winner.

How do you enter?

Fancast the SPELLCASTER series! 

I’ll admit – I’m the worst at casting real actors as my characters. If I think of actors at all, I always imagine people about ten to twenty years too old for the parts, then de-age them in my imagination. Which works perfectly well in my head! But is maybe not the most compelling for you guys to hear about. So introduce me to the actors and actresses you think would be perfect for Nadia, Verlaine, Mateo, Elizabeth, Kendall, Gage, Jeremy, Faye, Simon and even Cole. You can fancast one character or all of them, whatever you feel works.

Then, post your fan casting somewhere online. You can mention an actor on Twitter (hashtag = #SPELLCASTER), post text or pics to Tumblr (tag = #spellcaster) or just put your thoughts here at my blog. (If you have an entry elsewhere online, like pictures on Pinterest or even a video on YouTube, just post a link in comments to this post!)

Do all this before Friday, October 11. That’s when I’ll pick the winner — almost certainly at random, unless one of the fancasts is so awesome I am unable to control myself. And books shall be made yours! (Make sure I have a way to contact you in case you win, whether that’s including an email address in your post, etc.)

Hope you guys are as excited about this as I am. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

13 Responses to “Contest winner – and yet another chance to win. Fancasting contest, anyone?”

  1. Tenisha

    Ok my dream cast it…
    Nadia- Anna Kendrick
    Mateo- Tyler Posey (He is Mateo up, down and all over for me!)
    Verlaine-Mia Wasikowska or Amanda Seyfried
    Elizabeth- Dakota Fanning
    Cole- CJ Adams

    • claudia

      Oooh, I like these, especially the Mia Wasikowska. And yay, fancasting for Cole!

  2. Czarina quebec

    Nadia: michelle trachetenberg

    Mateo: dominique capparo search him too he is soo hot!

    Verlaine: emily perkins

    Elizabeth: natalie portman in this hair or liz gillies

    Kendall: alexis knapp

    • claudia

      These are awesome! I especially like Emily Perkins as Verlaine and Alexis Knapp as Kendall. 😀

  3. Rachel S

    I REALLY hope I am not too late. I saw this on the 4th and have been thinking about it ever since, hoping I came up with the perfect cast – and now I am making a Pinterest board for it. This has taken me forever because I am not a natural at this type of challenge. I hope I am not too late, and I hope you enjoy it! I will reply with the board link in just a moment 🙂

  4. Rachel S

    Okay, so if I’m not too late, here is my casting. I hope I did good because this took me roughly a week to piece together. 🙂 It was worth it though! I’ve never even tried to do this before!

    Here is the Pinterest board for it:

    -First choice Nadia: Ryan Newman

    -Second choice Nadia: Didn’t know the girl’s name and couldn’t find it, but she looks similar to Kristen Stewart, with lighter hair and a bit more exotic

    -First choice Elizabeth: Emma Stone

    -Second choice Elizabeth: Leighton Meester

    -First choice Verlaine: Elle Fanning

    -Second choice Verlaine: Sarah Hyland (with different hair color and style)

    -Mateo: Taylor Lautner

    -Kendall: Emma Roberts

    -Cole: Nolan Gould (I was most unsure of this one)

    I really hope you are happy with it! My email is centerstagegirly AT yahoo DOT com